TRAIL TRUFFLES – Dark Chocolate Nut-Butter Filled Protein Bites – Healthy, Plant Based, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Non-GMO Snacks (Mint Crème, 4 Pack)
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TRAIL TRUFFLES – Dark Chocolate Nut-Butter Filled Protein Bites – Healthy, Plant Based, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Non-GMO Snacks (Mint Crème, 4 Pack)

Product ID: 68624049
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Our Peanut Butter Cup, Mint Creme, Coconut Macadamia, and Chocolate Hazelnut energy bites are the perfect marriage of nature's goodness with indulgence. What makes Trail Truffles so unique? --> Our "chocolate" shell not only delivers a rich, dark chocolate flavor but a light covering of our proprietary Trail Truffle coating ensures it doesn't melt, get sticky, or otherwise make a mess --> Simple, easy-to-pronounce ingredients provide the perfect input for an optimal mix of carbs, proteins, and fats in an energy bite. --> We ensure that these energy bites are not only nutritious but also are "truffle worthy. " Trail Truffles are also a nice little “cheat” for Keto or Whole 30 followers. Try now our Truffles and you'll be amazed! Take them with you when you go to office or when you travel. Share them with your co bikers, mountain climbers, runners or backpackers. These are also a delicious pre-workout and post workout snack. Kids, students and adults alike would surely love the one-of-a-kind Trail Truffles!

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