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Dog Fashion Spa Dog Anxiety Relief Natural Oil, a Gentle Touch When Most Needed. Ideal for Thunder Storms, Separation Anxiety, When Travel, Even Before Sleeping and Relaxing
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Dog Fashion Spa Dog Anxiety Relief Natural Oil, a Gentle Touch When Most Needed. Ideal for Thunder Storms, Separation Anxiety, When Travel, Even Before Sleeping and Relaxing

Product ID: 23192445
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Discover a 100% natural way to help relax and calm your dog. Dog Fashion Spa pure essential calming oils deliver aromatherapy for your dog, capturing the essence of Quality Life for Dogs. if your dog is uneasy or nervous because of separation anxiety, traveling in the car, on a plane, or afraid of thunderstorms, try using Dog Fashion Spa precious blend of essential oils to provide all-natural relaxation. Or use the essential oils to create a relaxing, spa-like environment for any dog! dogs, just like humans, tremendously benefit from aromatherapy and deserve a relaxing dog spa day! Dog Fashion Spa essential calming oils have been developed by leading experts in canine aromatherapy to naturally help relax and calm uneasy dogs. * Bergamot oil eases stress, tension, and fears * Tangerine peel helps relax the dog * Lavender flowers have instant calming and relaxation effects on dogs * Ginger root helps nervous dogs' upset stomachs rose geranium promotes stability and balance * Ylang ylang flowers temper dog fear, anger, and jealousy * Marjoram leaf brings warming effects, cools down the sensations, relieves dog anxiety and tension, and helps relax dog's muscles Dog parents: apply this blend of precious oils to your fingers and gently massage the dog's ears. Must have for uneasy/anxious dogs. Essential for dogs who travel. Try using the oils on yourself to relax with your dog! Formulated with: pure essential oils of bergamot and tangerine peel, lavender flower, ginger root, rose geranium, ylang ylang flower, and marjoram leaf mixed with liquid coconut oil. Made in the U.S.A.

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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