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onn. 6' Braided Micro-USB to USB Cable, Aqua
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onn. 6' Braided Micro-USB to USB Cable, Aqua

Product ID: 455195419
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This onn. 6 ft. Sync and Charge Cable with Micro USB Connector is all you'll need to keep your Android phones, tablets and other devices fully charged and ready to take on your day. It has a universal design with a micro USB connector that's compatible with many Samsung, Motorola, HTC, and Huawei devices, among other brands and models. Never be with a dead device again right when you need it most! Plug into any wall adapter you may own for direct-from-the-wall power or plug into your laptop or PC desktop with the USB connector. It both charges and syncs your phone, so you can keep all your data and files up to date while charging the battery simultaneously. The small and sleek design of the head is designed to work with most devices' cases, so you'll be able to charge your phone or tablet, even with the case still on. It has a generous 6 ft. length that's sure to offer you enough give to easily charge your devices without running out of wire. It is ideal for carrying in your bag and purse throughout the day or just leave it at home for quick and reliable charging. Micro-USB to USB Charging Cables 6 ft (1.8 m) Braided cover for additional durability Available in multiple colors Simply plug Micro-USB Cable into your device and a suitable USB charging port (not included)

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

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